Updated On: Jan 13, 2025

President- Don Rios

    Sgt. Don Rios started with TCSO on April 12th, 1992 and just went over 31 years with TCSO. He started as a Correction Officer in Building 1. He attended the first TCSO Basic Peace Office Course working 5 years on patrol and was selected to be a Field Training Officer. Don went into the Misdemeanor Warrant Unit were he cleared up hundreds of misdemeanor warrants before being selected to move to the Special Weapons and Tactics unit (SWAT).  While assigned to SWAT, he became one of two Team Leaders and was deployed on over 100 missions. Don promoted to Detective and eventually went to the Child Abuse Unit where he investigated crimes against children.  Don also served as the Team Leader of the Crisis Negotiation Team, where he led the team to a first-place finish in a multistate competition.  As a Patrol Sgt, Don has worked West Evenings, East Midnights and was assigned to the Special Response Team (SRT).  Don spent over 5 years as the Lake Patrol Sgt, where he also supervised the Sheriff’s Underwater Recovery Team (SURT).  Sgt Rios then moved over to the Highway Enforcement Team (HEAT) where he also supervised the Driving While Intoxicated Unit (DWI) , the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit (CVE) and the Leaving the Scene investigations (LTS).  Currently he supervises the Highway Enforcement Accident Team and oversees the security for all Travis County Elections. He has represented TCSO employees for over 20 years as a board member. 

Vice President- Jermaine Smith


Started in 2009 as a security coordinator, promoted to officer in 2010 deputize in 2012 and now promoted to SGT of the Hospital Visitation Unit. I was a board member for two before becoming Vice President. I enjoy basketball, golf, chess, and listening to jazz. I am proud to be elected to this board and will continue to be in the corner of all our members. "The best gifts are attained on the other side of fear" 

2nd Vice President- Laura Mabry